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10 surprising facts about eggs

Coding Critters™ Bopper, Hip and Hop are off on an eggciting Easter quest for their World Adventure Story. They’re visiting the small town of Haux in France where normally every year chefs use 4,000 eggs to make a ginormous sunshine-yellow omelette which is then served to almost 1,000 people for breakfast on Easter Monday.

Check out the rest of their adventure on Instagram!

The Haux omelette is so huge chefs need to use up to 4kg of salt and pepper. Imagine how many slices of toast they need to butter to go with all that! Eggs are amazing and Bopper, Hip and Hop discovered 10 surprising facts about eggs on their Haux eggscapade. Read them below.

Follow our Instagram account and keep checking in because the rest of the Coding Critters™ friends are also packing their bags and getting ready for their World Adventure Stories. Plus, we’re giving away Coding Critters pet and a Learning Resources Puzzle Globe each month.

Learn more about eggsHere are 10 facts about eggs Bopper, Hip and Hop found out while they were in Haux. See how many you know and if you have an eggceptional fact that you’d like to share, leave us a comment at the end of this post, or on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

  1. Bopper, Hip and Hop learned that the French word for egg is ‘oeuf’. In Germany they say ‘ei’, in Portugal it’s ‘ovo’, and the Spanish word is ‘huevo’. In Samoa, it’s ‘fuamoa’ and in Finland, the word is ‘kananmuna’.
  2. The average hen lays between 300-325 eggs a year, and it takes a hen just over a day to produce one egg.
  3. There are so many ways to cook eggs, but the most popular choices in the UK include frying, boiling, scrambling, poaching, and yes, making an omelette. Find out how to make an omelette here.
  4. Guess which country consumes the most eggs? The Japanese eat more eggs than any other country. A Japanese person eats about 320 each year. There are 365 days in the year so that’s almost one egg a day.
  5. Eggs come in a variety of sizes. Dinosaurs laid the largest eggs on Earth. Today, the ostrich takes first prize for the world’s largest egg, and one ostrich egg is equivalent to 24 hen eggs. You can eat ostrich eggs, but they take much longer to cook.
  6. The world’s smallest bird is the bee hummingbird and it lays the world’s smallest bird egg. These tiny birds grow to only about 6cm long, and their eggs are no bigger than a coffee bean.
  7. Eggs come in different colours, too. You’ve probably seen brown or white hen’s eggs, but did you know that ducks can lay eggs that are a pretty light blue colour? Emus lay dark green eggs and robins can lay dark blue eggs.
  8. The Jacana is a type of bird found in Africa and it makes nests that float on water. Once the female bird has laid her eggs on these floating islands, the male birds sit on the eggs to incubate them. Except that means the nest sinks! Thank goodness the eggs are waterproof.
  9. Try this science eggsperiment from Science Sparks. Fill a glass with white vinegar (known as acetic acid), carefully place an egg in the glass and make sure the vinegar covers the egg. Over 4-5 days, you’ll observe the shell dissolve in the vinegar. When the shell is completely dissolved, examine your egg. What does it feel like (probably rubbery). Head over to Science Sparks to find out more about what’s doing on during this experiment.
  10. Here’s another science fact. Did you know that that you can tell if an uncooked egg is fresh by carefully placing it into a glass of water? If the egg sinks to the bottom of the glass, it’s a sign that it’s fresh and can be eaten. If it floats to the top, that means its stale and you need to throw it away.

Did you catch Scamper and Sneaker in Egypt? They had a great time and learned about how important cats were in Ancient Egypt. Read more about their adventures.

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10 surprising facts about eggs

Coding Critters™ Bopper, Hip and Hop are off on an eggciting Easter quest for their World Adventure Story. They’re visiting the small town of Haux in France where normally every year chefs use 4,000 eggs to make a ginormous sunshine-yellow omelette which is then served to almost 1,000 people for breakfast on Easter Monday.

Check out the rest of their adventure on Instagram!

The Haux omelette is so huge chefs need to use up to 4kg of salt and pepper. Imagine how many slices of toast they need to butter to go with all that! Eggs are amazing and Bopper, Hip and Hop discovered 10 surprising facts about eggs on their Haux eggscapade. Read them below.

Follow our Instagram account and keep checking in because the rest of the Coding Critters™ friends are also packing their bags and getting ready for their World Adventure Stories. Plus, we’re giving away Coding Critters pet and a Learning Resources Puzzle Globe each month.

Learn more about eggsHere are 10 facts about eggs Bopper, Hip and Hop found out while they were in Haux. See how many you know and if you have an eggceptional fact that you’d like to share, leave us a comment at the end of this post, or on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

  1. Bopper, Hip and Hop learned that the French word for egg is ‘oeuf’. In Germany they say ‘ei’, in Portugal it’s ‘ovo’, and the Spanish word is ‘huevo’. In Samoa, it’s ‘fuamoa’ and in Finland, the word is ‘kananmuna’.
  2. The average hen lays between 300-325 eggs a year, and it takes a hen just over a day to produce one egg.
  3. There are so many ways to cook eggs, but the most popular choices in the UK include frying, boiling, scrambling, poaching, and yes, making an omelette. Find out how to make an omelette here.
  4. Guess which country consumes the most eggs? The Japanese eat more eggs than any other country. A Japanese person eats about 320 each year. There are 365 days in the year so that’s almost one egg a day.
  5. Eggs come in a variety of sizes. Dinosaurs laid the largest eggs on Earth. Today, the ostrich takes first prize for the world’s largest egg, and one ostrich egg is equivalent to 24 hen eggs. You can eat ostrich eggs, but they take much longer to cook.
  6. The world’s smallest bird is the bee hummingbird and it lays the world’s smallest bird egg. These tiny birds grow to only about 6cm long, and their eggs are no bigger than a coffee bean.
  7. Eggs come in different colours, too. You’ve probably seen brown or white hen’s eggs, but did you know that ducks can lay eggs that are a pretty light blue colour? Emus lay dark green eggs and robins can lay dark blue eggs.
  8. The Jacana is a type of bird found in Africa and it makes nests that float on water. Once the female bird has laid her eggs on these floating islands, the male birds sit on the eggs to incubate them. Except that means the nest sinks! Thank goodness the eggs are waterproof.
  9. Try this science eggsperiment from Science Sparks. Fill a glass with white vinegar (known as acetic acid), carefully place an egg in the glass and make sure the vinegar covers the egg. Over 4-5 days, you’ll observe the shell dissolve in the vinegar. When the shell is completely dissolved, examine your egg. What does it feel like (probably rubbery). Head over to Science Sparks to find out more about what’s doing on during this experiment.
  10. Here’s another science fact. Did you know that that you can tell if an uncooked egg is fresh by carefully placing it into a glass of water? If the egg sinks to the bottom of the glass, it’s a sign that it’s fresh and can be eaten. If it floats to the top, that means its stale and you need to throw it away.

Did you catch Scamper and Sneaker in Egypt? They had a great time and learned about how important cats were in Ancient Egypt. Read more about their adventures.

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