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10 Incredible Animals in Mozambique

There are incredible animals in Mozambique, a country in Southern Africa with some of the world’s most interesting animals. After they finished up investigating India on their Coding Critters World Adventures Stories, dinos Rumble and Bumble made their way down south to Mozambique to search for a fascinating marine animal called a dugong. This incredible creature is one of many animals Rumble and Bumble found and they’ve decided to share their favourites.

10 incredible animals in Mozambique

Check out their list to learn more and see if you can answer Rumble and Bumble’s animal quiz (you’ll find the answers at the end of the post). Remember to follow Learning Resources on Instagram to read more about Rumble and Bumble’s adventure, see the other Coding Critters on their World Adventures Stories, and win cool prizes.


Dugong swimming in the Indian Ocean cost of Mozambique for Learning Resources Coding Critters Adventures Stories 10 Incredible Animals You’ll See in Mozambique

Image: Getty

The warm waters of the Indian Ocean off the coast of Mozambique are home to the dugong, a mammal that long body and have a dolphin-like tail. In fact, many years ago people used to think they were mermaids! Imagine that.

What do dugongs eat?

  1. Fish
  2. Sea grass
  3. Ice cream



A wild brown chameleon perches on a branch looking at the camera

Image: Getty

These lizards may be slow-moving, but they have quick-moving tongues with a sticky tip which they shoot out to catch insects for food. Rumble and Bumble were fascinated when they found out that chameleons have amazing eyesight because they have eyes on the sides of their heads which can move independently so they can watch two different objects at the same time.

What else is special about chameleons?

  1. Their skins can change colour.
  2. They have long tongues.
  3. The world’s smallest chameleon grows to only 3cm long.


Sea turtle

A sea turtle swims under water using its fins to glide through the water

Image: Getty

In their search for incredible animals in Mozambique, Rumble and Bumble discovered five different species of sea turtles that live along the coast of Mozambique. Turtles have shells on their backs, and these help them glide through the water when whey swim in the ocean.

Where do sea turtles lay their eggs?

  1. In a nest
  2. On the beach
  3. Under an umbrella


Manta ray

A manta ray swimming under water for Learning Resources 10 Incredible Animals You’ll See in Mozambique

Image: Getty

If you dive under water in the Indian Ocean, you’ll see manta rays. These graceful animals have long fins that look like wings and when they swim, they look like they’re flying underwater. Despite their big size, they can swim fast and they can even jump out of the water.

What kind of animal is a manta ray?

  1. Fish
  2. Mammal
  3. Reptile



An ostrich in on the plains of Mozambique for Learning Resources Coding Critters World Adventures Stories with Rumble & Bumble the dinos

Image: Getty

Despite having long wings, ostriches can’t fly but they can run fast – up to 45mph. Ostriches lay the largest eggs of any living birds and they can be up to 15cm long and weigh as much as two dozen chicken eggs.

What do ostriches eat?

  1. Sandwiches
  2. Plants
  3. Stones


Whale shark

A whale shark swimming with its mouth open to catch plankton

Image: Getty

The largest fish in the sea, these magnificent underwater creatures can grow up to 12m long. These giants of the sea eat by swimming through the water with their huge mouths open to catch everything in their path. Fortunately, their favourite meal is made up of tiny sea creatures called plankton.

How long is the world’s largest recorded whale shark?

  1. 15m
  2. 20m
  3. 25m



A cheetah running on the Savannah for Learning Resources 10 Incredible Animals You’ll See in Mozambique

Image: Getty

Like lions, leopards, jaguars and tigers, cheetahs are a member of the big cat family, but unlike many other big cats, they can’t roar! Just don’t try to race them because they can run really fast and are the fastest land animal.

How fast can a cheetah run?

  1. 45mph
  2. 60mph
  3. 70mph



An aardvard in the grass for Learning Resources Coding Critters World Adventures Stories in Mozambique

Image: Getty

A is for aardvark and a is for ant. These strange-looking animals live off a diet of ants and termites. When it finds ants or termites, it digs into the nest and uses its long tongue to pick up its meal. An adult aardvark’s tongue can grow up to 30cm long and can pick up to 50,000 ants in one go! That is amazing.

What else can an aardvark do?

  1. Swim
  2. Fly
  3. Cycle



A caracal perched on a branch shows its pointed tufted ears

Image: Getty

If there was a competition for the cat with the pointiest-looking ears, the caracal would be in with a good chance of winning. These incredible members of the cat family have tufts of hair at the tips of their ears that make their ears look long and pointy. Caracals are shy and like to keep to themselves but they have a cool trick up their sleeves – they can jump high.

How high can a caracal jump?

  1. 1m
  2. 2m
  3. 3m


Crowned grey crane

A close up picture of a crowned grey crane showing the bird’s golden head crest plumage

Image: Getty

The crowned grey crane has golden feathers on its head that look like a fancy crown. It’s knowns for putting on a royal-style dance to attract attention and has some funky moves including bows, bobs, and jumps. Crowned grey cranes live in flocks and when they get together, it can get pretty crowded.

How many cranes can flock together?

  1. 15
  2. 50
  3. 150

Do you think you have all the correct answers to our quiz on 10 Incredible Animals in Mozambique? Find out below:

  1. Sea grass.
  2. All the answers are correct. Chameleons are amazing!
  3. On the beach.
  4. Fish.
  5. 1 and 2. Ostriches eat plants and then swallow pebbles to help digest their food.
  6. 2. 20m. Scientists don’t know what the maximum size of a whale shark is, but the longest one ever recorded was 20m in length.
  7. A cheetah’s top speed is 70mph – that’s the same speed as the national speed limit on a motorway.
  8. Swim. (Although it would be fun to see an aardvark fly or cycle!)
  9. 3m.
  10. 150.
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10 Incredible Animals in Mozambique

There are incredible animals in Mozambique, a country in Southern Africa with some of the world’s most interesting animals. After they finished up investigating India on their Coding Critters World Adventures Stories, dinos Rumble and Bumble made their way down south to Mozambique to search for a fascinating marine animal called a dugong. This incredible creature is one of many animals Rumble and Bumble found and they’ve decided to share their favourites.

10 incredible animals in Mozambique

Check out their list to learn more and see if you can answer Rumble and Bumble’s animal quiz (you’ll find the answers at the end of the post). Remember to follow Learning Resources on Instagram to read more about Rumble and Bumble’s adventure, see the other Coding Critters on their World Adventures Stories, and win cool prizes.


Dugong swimming in the Indian Ocean cost of Mozambique for Learning Resources Coding Critters Adventures Stories 10 Incredible Animals You’ll See in Mozambique

Image: Getty

The warm waters of the Indian Ocean off the coast of Mozambique are home to the dugong, a mammal that long body and have a dolphin-like tail. In fact, many years ago people used to think they were mermaids! Imagine that.

What do dugongs eat?

  1. Fish
  2. Sea grass
  3. Ice cream



A wild brown chameleon perches on a branch looking at the camera

Image: Getty

These lizards may be slow-moving, but they have quick-moving tongues with a sticky tip which they shoot out to catch insects for food. Rumble and Bumble were fascinated when they found out that chameleons have amazing eyesight because they have eyes on the sides of their heads which can move independently so they can watch two different objects at the same time.

What else is special about chameleons?

  1. Their skins can change colour.
  2. They have long tongues.
  3. The world’s smallest chameleon grows to only 3cm long.


Sea turtle

A sea turtle swims under water using its fins to glide through the water

Image: Getty

In their search for incredible animals in Mozambique, Rumble and Bumble discovered five different species of sea turtles that live along the coast of Mozambique. Turtles have shells on their backs, and these help them glide through the water when whey swim in the ocean.

Where do sea turtles lay their eggs?

  1. In a nest
  2. On the beach
  3. Under an umbrella


Manta ray

A manta ray swimming under water for Learning Resources 10 Incredible Animals You’ll See in Mozambique

Image: Getty

If you dive under water in the Indian Ocean, you’ll see manta rays. These graceful animals have long fins that look like wings and when they swim, they look like they’re flying underwater. Despite their big size, they can swim fast and they can even jump out of the water.

What kind of animal is a manta ray?

  1. Fish
  2. Mammal
  3. Reptile



An ostrich in on the plains of Mozambique for Learning Resources Coding Critters World Adventures Stories with Rumble & Bumble the dinos

Image: Getty

Despite having long wings, ostriches can’t fly but they can run fast – up to 45mph. Ostriches lay the largest eggs of any living birds and they can be up to 15cm long and weigh as much as two dozen chicken eggs.

What do ostriches eat?

  1. Sandwiches
  2. Plants
  3. Stones


Whale shark

A whale shark swimming with its mouth open to catch plankton

Image: Getty

The largest fish in the sea, these magnificent underwater creatures can grow up to 12m long. These giants of the sea eat by swimming through the water with their huge mouths open to catch everything in their path. Fortunately, their favourite meal is made up of tiny sea creatures called plankton.

How long is the world’s largest recorded whale shark?

  1. 15m
  2. 20m
  3. 25m



A cheetah running on the Savannah for Learning Resources 10 Incredible Animals You’ll See in Mozambique

Image: Getty

Like lions, leopards, jaguars and tigers, cheetahs are a member of the big cat family, but unlike many other big cats, they can’t roar! Just don’t try to race them because they can run really fast and are the fastest land animal.

How fast can a cheetah run?

  1. 45mph
  2. 60mph
  3. 70mph



An aardvard in the grass for Learning Resources Coding Critters World Adventures Stories in Mozambique

Image: Getty

A is for aardvark and a is for ant. These strange-looking animals live off a diet of ants and termites. When it finds ants or termites, it digs into the nest and uses its long tongue to pick up its meal. An adult aardvark’s tongue can grow up to 30cm long and can pick up to 50,000 ants in one go! That is amazing.

What else can an aardvark do?

  1. Swim
  2. Fly
  3. Cycle



A caracal perched on a branch shows its pointed tufted ears

Image: Getty

If there was a competition for the cat with the pointiest-looking ears, the caracal would be in with a good chance of winning. These incredible members of the cat family have tufts of hair at the tips of their ears that make their ears look long and pointy. Caracals are shy and like to keep to themselves but they have a cool trick up their sleeves – they can jump high.

How high can a caracal jump?

  1. 1m
  2. 2m
  3. 3m


Crowned grey crane

A close up picture of a crowned grey crane showing the bird’s golden head crest plumage

Image: Getty

The crowned grey crane has golden feathers on its head that look like a fancy crown. It’s knowns for putting on a royal-style dance to attract attention and has some funky moves including bows, bobs, and jumps. Crowned grey cranes live in flocks and when they get together, it can get pretty crowded.

How many cranes can flock together?

  1. 15
  2. 50
  3. 150

Do you think you have all the correct answers to our quiz on 10 Incredible Animals in Mozambique? Find out below:

  1. Sea grass.
  2. All the answers are correct. Chameleons are amazing!
  3. On the beach.
  4. Fish.
  5. 1 and 2. Ostriches eat plants and then swallow pebbles to help digest their food.
  6. 2. 20m. Scientists don’t know what the maximum size of a whale shark is, but the longest one ever recorded was 20m in length.
  7. A cheetah’s top speed is 70mph – that’s the same speed as the national speed limit on a motorway.
  8. Swim. (Although it would be fun to see an aardvark fly or cycle!)
  9. 3m.
  10. 150.
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