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Seasonal Fun

Learn through fun outdoor play!
Playing outside is an essential part of a child's development. From making mud kitchens, to getting to know nature, learning and playing outside will help little learners form key developmental skills such as physical health & self-confidence!

International Literacy Day


Today is the International Day of Literacy! Thanks to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) the International Day of Literacy was first celebrated in 1966 to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies. Celebrations of ILD have been taking place all over the world for 48 years, reminding the international community of the important skills; reading and writing.


1 in 5 adults worldwide cannot read or write, this unbelievable statistic equates to 776 million people. Writing your own name or reading a line out of a book is a basic educational skill that countries like ours don’t need to worry about, but individuals in many third world countries are denied these skills.

UNESCO’s aim is to tackle the link between poverty and literacy, and raise public awareness of the priceless value of the written word, and of the necessity to promote an educated, literate society.

It’s hard to think where we would be without basic literacy, for one I wouldn’t be writing this blog article, and you wouldn’t be reading it! Personally, reading and writing are two things I really enjoy, and I couldn’t imagine my life without these skills. 1 in 6 people in the UK struggle with literacy, a figure which UNESCO and other charities such as The National Literacy Trust are trying to reduce.

Each year, UNESCO awards International Literacy Prizes of $20,000. Winners in 2013 included Literate India, and The Dhaka Ahsania Mission in Bangladesh. This year’s theme is Literacy and Sustainability Development, with prizes already set to be received by the Lifelong Learning School for Community Development Poligono Sur in Spain and the The Molteno Institute for Language and Literacy in South Africa.

At Learning Resources we understand the importance of introducing literacy at an early age, giving young learners the opportunity to have fun while learning an important, fundamental skill. From phonics resources through to grammar and reading comprehension, we have literacy resources to motivate and engage children into developing their reading, writing and vocabulary skills.

If you would like more information about UNESCO and the International Day of Literacy, visit their website at

Until next time…


International Literacy Day


Today is the International Day of Literacy! Thanks to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) the International Day of Literacy was first celebrated in 1966 to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies. Celebrations of ILD have been taking place all over the world for 48 years, reminding the international community of the important skills; reading and writing.


1 in 5 adults worldwide cannot read or write, this unbelievable statistic equates to 776 million people. Writing your own name or reading a line out of a book is a basic educational skill that countries like ours don’t need to worry about, but individuals in many third world countries are denied these skills.

UNESCO’s aim is to tackle the link between poverty and literacy, and raise public awareness of the priceless value of the written word, and of the necessity to promote an educated, literate society.

It’s hard to think where we would be without basic literacy, for one I wouldn’t be writing this blog article, and you wouldn’t be reading it! Personally, reading and writing are two things I really enjoy, and I couldn’t imagine my life without these skills. 1 in 6 people in the UK struggle with literacy, a figure which UNESCO and other charities such as The National Literacy Trust are trying to reduce.

Each year, UNESCO awards International Literacy Prizes of $20,000. Winners in 2013 included Literate India, and The Dhaka Ahsania Mission in Bangladesh. This year’s theme is Literacy and Sustainability Development, with prizes already set to be received by the Lifelong Learning School for Community Development Poligono Sur in Spain and the The Molteno Institute for Language and Literacy in South Africa.

At Learning Resources we understand the importance of introducing literacy at an early age, giving young learners the opportunity to have fun while learning an important, fundamental skill. From phonics resources through to grammar and reading comprehension, we have literacy resources to motivate and engage children into developing their reading, writing and vocabulary skills.

If you would like more information about UNESCO and the International Day of Literacy, visit their website at

Until next time…



Fashion in schools

Many schools have strict guidelines as to what students can and can’t wear. Some schools even state the colour of socks the students are to wear! Having worked in schools myself, I understand the importance of uniformity, especially during school trips and when visitors are coming to schools. However, I’m now finding myself on the other end of the argument with Squirt. She is no longer happy wearing comfy, practical clothes to nursery - instead wanting to wear dresses, with matching leggings and her hair down! I encourage her to keep her hair tied up so it’s out of her face, especially as her hair has a mind of its own as you can see!imageSquirt is very nearly 4 now, and will be starting school next year. Although she doesn’t have to wear a uniform yet, the discussions we’ve been having about what’s practical clothing for nursery really got me thinking about the importance, or unimportance of fashion in institutions such as schools, brownies and church groups.I remember back to when I was at high school, a time in my life I really enjoyed. But it didn’t come without pressures from fashion magazines, TV and of course, peer pressure. The fashions then were Adidas Popper Trousers - if you were caught not wearing these on a non-uniform day, you quickly lost a ‘cool point’ from the 'it crowd’. However there were also things that could be tied into school uniform, such as Kickers Shoes, funky neck-tie knots and hair plastered with hairspray and tied up with at least 3 scrunchies!imageHaving grown up and started to bring up my own daughter, these trends, pressures and fashions all seem rather silly. However at the time, they were anything but silly to me and my friends. An article from The Guardian 'What’s the point of school uniform’ considers the uniform debate from both sides. I agree with the point made by English Teacher, Claire Howlette, that “uniforms help students to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform”.School uniforms can improve learning by reducing distraction, encouraging a focus on school work and adding a sense of seriousness to the classroom. An article from says that schools with uniform guidelines see an improvement in attendance rates, provide less financial stress to parents and a boost in school security. I believe a lot of students, especially high school students, understand and respect uniform guidelines, however they want to develop their own personality and creativity, and for many this is expressed through their appearance.imageMaybe there will never be a happy medium, and perhaps this deviance is an important part of the growing up phase! Many students are relatively respectful of their schools rules and expectations, and understand (to some extent) the practicality of clothes as well as style. As a parent I will encourage this as Squirt gets older, but should also keep in mind the pressures I felt as a student.Until next time…Laura
Fashion in schools Many schools have strict guidelines as to what students can and can’t wear. Some schools even state the colour of socks the students are to wear! Having worked in schools myself, I understand the importance of uniformity, especially during school trips and when visitors are coming to schools. However, I’m now finding myself on the other end of the argument with Squirt. She is no longer happy wearing comfy, practical clothes to nursery - instead wanting to wear dresses, with matching leggings and her hair down! I encourage her to keep her hair tied up so it’s out of her face, especially as her hair has a mind of its own as you can see!imageSquirt is very nearly 4 now, and will be starting school next year. Although she doesn’t have to wear a uniform yet, the discussions we’ve been having about what’s practical clothing for nursery really got me thinking about the importance, or unimportance of fashion in institutions such as schools, brownies and church groups.I remember back to when I was at high school, a time in my life I really enjoyed. But it didn’t come without pressures from fashion magazines, TV and of course, peer pressure. The fashions then were Adidas Popper Trousers - if you were caught not wearing these on a non-uniform day, you quickly lost a ‘cool point’ from the 'it crowd’. However there were also things that could be tied into school uniform, such as Kickers Shoes, funky neck-tie knots and hair plastered with hairspray and tied up with at least 3 scrunchies!imageHaving grown up and started to bring up my own daughter, these trends, pressures and fashions all seem rather silly. However at the time, they were anything but silly to me and my friends. An article from The Guardian 'What’s the point of school uniform’ considers the uniform debate from both sides. I agree with the point made by English Teacher, Claire Howlette, that “uniforms help students to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform”.School uniforms can improve learning by reducing distraction, encouraging a focus on school work and adding a sense of seriousness to the classroom. An article from says that schools with uniform guidelines see an improvement in attendance rates, provide less financial stress to parents and a boost in school security. I believe a lot of students, especially high school students, understand and respect uniform guidelines, however they want to develop their own personality and creativity, and for many this is expressed through their appearance.imageMaybe there will never be a happy medium, and perhaps this deviance is an important part of the growing up phase! Many students are relatively respectful of their schools rules and expectations, and understand (to some extent) the practicality of clothes as well as style. As a parent I will encourage this as Squirt gets older, but should also keep in mind the pressures I felt as a student.Until next time…Laura READ MORE

Playday - The National day for play

Today is National Playday! On the first Wednesday in August each year individuals and communities across the UK celebrate Playday in a number of different ways! Past events have included celebrations such as street parties, mass woodland adventures and festivals in parks, each community that takes part adapts the celebration to suit them!


We all know how important it is for children to be allowed to play, it is vital for their health, well-being and development. Playday supporters hope to raise awareness about the importance of play in children’s lives and persuade councils, boroughs and decision-makers to continue to support playgrounds and play centres nationwide.

Here at Learning Resources we understand the need for children to have fun! Many of our hands-on resources are made to encourage learning through play for children from birth. We are passionate about children’s education, and want our products to support not only their learning and development, but also their well-being.

We have 4 product promises that we adhere to with each and every product that we manufacture, and one of which is…we make it fun!


I encourage you to celebrate play today! If there isn’t a Playday event in your area, then do your own thing, no matter how big or small it is! Squirt and I will be going to the park near our house later to make the most of Playday. It’s great to have a park so close, we know we’re lucky to have it as many people don’t have one in walking distance!

Playday have even shared some great rainy day ideas to encourage people to get out and play no matter what the weather is like! We can’t always rely on the sun here in the UK, so here are Playday’s ideas for wet days!

  • The Great Mud Pie Contest
  • Rainy Rhymes - how many can you come up with?
  • Waterslide Madness! Have tarpaulin to hand? Just add washing up liquid!
  • Puddle Stomping and Wellie Wanging

And when you’re already soaked from the rain…

  • Water balloon contests
  • Water spongers for a game of Torrential Tag!

 Whatever you get up to today, make it fun!

 Until next time…


Playday - The National day for play

Today is National Playday! On the first Wednesday in August each year individuals and communities across the UK celebrate Playday in a number of different ways! Past events have included celebrations such as street parties, mass woodland adventures and festivals in parks, each community that takes part adapts the celebration to suit them!


We all know how important it is for children to be allowed to play, it is vital for their health, well-being and development. Playday supporters hope to raise awareness about the importance of play in children’s lives and persuade councils, boroughs and decision-makers to continue to support playgrounds and play centres nationwide.

Here at Learning Resources we understand the need for children to have fun! Many of our hands-on resources are made to encourage learning through play for children from birth. We are passionate about children’s education, and want our products to support not only their learning and development, but also their well-being.

We have 4 product promises that we adhere to with each and every product that we manufacture, and one of which is…we make it fun!


I encourage you to celebrate play today! If there isn’t a Playday event in your area, then do your own thing, no matter how big or small it is! Squirt and I will be going to the park near our house later to make the most of Playday. It’s great to have a park so close, we know we’re lucky to have it as many people don’t have one in walking distance!

Playday have even shared some great rainy day ideas to encourage people to get out and play no matter what the weather is like! We can’t always rely on the sun here in the UK, so here are Playday’s ideas for wet days!

  • The Great Mud Pie Contest
  • Rainy Rhymes - how many can you come up with?
  • Waterslide Madness! Have tarpaulin to hand? Just add washing up liquid!
  • Puddle Stomping and Wellie Wanging

And when you’re already soaked from the rain…

  • Water balloon contests
  • Water spongers for a game of Torrential Tag!

 Whatever you get up to today, make it fun!

 Until next time…



Enjoy picnics come rain or shine!

We’re well and truly into picnic season now, and I hope you’ve got some fab picnics coming up! Let’s hope the weather is on our side, and we’re not faced with too many rainy days this summer. I remember inside picnics when I was little, my mum would set a blanket out on the living room floor, and we’d have lots of various snacks in little wicker baskets! It was just as much fun as an outside picnic, however we weren’t allowed to play with the frisbee for some reason!

I’m sure you’d all agree that an outside picnic is far more exciting than an inside one (frisbee or no frisbee), but in case we do have to dodge the showers this summer, have a look at our New Sprouts Picnic Set. The set includes everything needed to have a great inside picnic, including squirting ketchup and mustard bottles (my favourite bit!) and slices of watermelon.


As our New Sprouts range is specially designed for little hands, this Picnic Set is great for children from just 2 years old. View our entire New Sprout range. Squirt is almost 4 now, but is a massive fan of the New Sprouts range, particularly the chunky, whimsical play food sets.

Are you a Special Needs Practitioner? Or a parent of a child with additional needs? The Picnic Set, along with many other products in the New Sprouts range have many surprising special needs applications and can be used to support a diverse range of additional needs. They’re great for supporting fine motor skill development, and speech & language development when used as a visual prompt.  On our website we have a whole section dedicated to supporting Special Educational Needs.


Are you one of our Facebook Fans? Over on our Facebook Fan Page today we’re having a competition to win the  Picnic Set from our New Sprouts range.  Simply like and share our competition post, then comment to let us know where your favourite picnic location is!


We’re lucky here at the Learning Resources offices being  just a quick drive away from the Royal Sandringham Estate, which is a very popular location for picnics. Not one of our Facebook Fans yet? Then what are you waiting for? Head over there and give us an add! We’re also on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Instagram! - follow us now for all our news, reviews and competitions!

Until next time…


Enjoy picnics come rain or shine!

We’re well and truly into picnic season now, and I hope you’ve got some fab picnics coming up! Let’s hope the weather is on our side, and we’re not faced with too many rainy days this summer. I remember inside picnics when I was little, my mum would set a blanket out on the living room floor, and we’d have lots of various snacks in little wicker baskets! It was just as much fun as an outside picnic, however we weren’t allowed to play with the frisbee for some reason!

I’m sure you’d all agree that an outside picnic is far more exciting than an inside one (frisbee or no frisbee), but in case we do have to dodge the showers this summer, have a look at our New Sprouts Picnic Set. The set includes everything needed to have a great inside picnic, including squirting ketchup and mustard bottles (my favourite bit!) and slices of watermelon.


As our New Sprouts range is specially designed for little hands, this Picnic Set is great for children from just 2 years old. View our entire New Sprout range. Squirt is almost 4 now, but is a massive fan of the New Sprouts range, particularly the chunky, whimsical play food sets.

Are you a Special Needs Practitioner? Or a parent of a child with additional needs? The Picnic Set, along with many other products in the New Sprouts range have many surprising special needs applications and can be used to support a diverse range of additional needs. They’re great for supporting fine motor skill development, and speech & language development when used as a visual prompt.  On our website we have a whole section dedicated to supporting Special Educational Needs.


Are you one of our Facebook Fans? Over on our Facebook Fan Page today we’re having a competition to win the  Picnic Set from our New Sprouts range.  Simply like and share our competition post, then comment to let us know where your favourite picnic location is!


We’re lucky here at the Learning Resources offices being  just a quick drive away from the Royal Sandringham Estate, which is a very popular location for picnics. Not one of our Facebook Fans yet? Then what are you waiting for? Head over there and give us an add! We’re also on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Instagram! - follow us now for all our news, reviews and competitions!

Until next time…


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