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Tagged with 'learning resources'

Learn through fun outdoor play!
Playing outside is an essential part of a child's development. From making mud kitchens, to getting to know nature, learning and playing outside will help little learners form key developmental skills such as physical health & self-confidence!

10 reasons why an educational toy isn’t just for Christmas

We believe educational toys and games aren’t just for Christmas; they inspire a lifetime love of learning! Play nurtures development and is the foundation for all learning, helping children to build everything from communication and language skills to imagination and creativity. With this in mind, we’re confident that our educational toys will be played with all year round and have put together a list of ten areas of development that they support.

1) Communication and Language

Educational toys can provide children with opportunities to use their vocabulary and discover new words. Imaginative play tools such as puppets help young learners to express themselves, ask questions and practice the art of conversation.Educational board games are a great way to help children make sense of social constructs such as following rules, listening to others, asking questions, winning and losing. Family games also help children to play co-operatively and, by actively listening, they will begin to take account of other people’s ideas and feelings.

2) Physical Development

Toys that aid physical development help children to be active and develop their co-ordination, control and movement. Fine motor skills refers to small movements such as gripping object and uses the small muscles of the fingers, toes, wrists, lips and tongue. Resources such as Jumbo Tweezers and Handy Scoopers™ help to strengthen these muscles and prepare children for tasks that will increase their independence, such as holding a pen or dressing themselves.Gross motor skills refers to the movement and co-ordination of larger body parts such as the arms and legs. Active play is a great way to develop gross motor skills through actions such as running, walking, jumping and crawling. Toys that encourage movement such as Pancake Pile-Up!™ and Math Marks the Spot™ help to promote physical activity alongside learning essential core skills.

3) Personal, Social and Emotional Awareness

Toys such as Mirror Boards and Puppets help children to build self confidence and form relationships. Children can use these tools to initiate conversations that help them to manage their feelings and sharpen observation skills. Through play, children become familiar with social constructs such as turn-taking, helping them to form relationships and develop respect for others.

4) Sensory Awareness

 Children discover the world through their senses. Toys that promote tactile awareness and sensory exploration help young learners to make sense of the physical world around them.  By combining sensory awareness and scientific discovery with exploration toys such as magnifiers, projectors and microscopes children can satisfy their natural curiosity in the physical world.

5) Creativity and Imagination

Play is a full time job that is fuelled by creativity and imagination. Imaginative play resources encourage children to draw on first-hand experiences in pretend play scenarios, helping them to make sense of day to day life. By the age of three, children are able to absorb themselves in make-believe and will often start to create elaborate story lines. This type of play is important as it helps young learners to build confidence, perseverance and self esteem.

6) School Readiness

Starting school is an important chapter in a child’s life and educational toys help them to develop basic early skills to prepare them for their new adventure! By playing with toys that help with pre-writing, speech language and communication, confidence, numbers and early phonics, young learners will have the head-start they need to shine at ‘big’ school.Learn more in our ‘School Readiness’ blog post.

7) Outdoor Exploration

Outdoor learning and active play are an essential part of a child’s development, building a variety of key skills including confidence, social skills and well-being whilst experiencing the wonders of the world around them. Hands-on tools such as Kidnoculars® and Jumbo Magnifiers encourage children to get up-close to nature, helping them to understand the world around them.

8) STEM learning

STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. STEM toys encourage children to solve real-world problems through enquiry-based problem-solving, hands-on experimentation, trial and error, and self-discovery. Challenges follow the Engineering Design Process (ask, imagine, plan, create, improve) and can pose challenges such as building simple machines or programming a Robot Mouse.

9) Core Skills

Learning Resources’ toys are designed in-line with the National Curriculum for England and help to support core skills across Literacy, Maths, Science and Geography. Through exciting game play and engaging activities, children will improve essential skills from the alphabet and phonics to fractions and measurement, without even realising they’re learning!

10) Learning is fun!

We think it’s important to keep children captivated while learning! Hands-on toys that are fun to play with, help to keep children present in the moment so that they can uncover their true potential. #LoveLearning#Givethegiftoflearning
10 reasons why an educational toy isn’t just for Christmas
We believe educational toys and games aren’t just for Christmas; they inspire a lifetime love of learning! Play nurtures development and is the foundation for all learning, helping children to build everything from communication and language skills to imagination and creativity. With this in mind, we’re confident that our educational toys will be played with all year round and have put together a list of ten areas of development that they support.

1) Communication and Language

Educational toys can provide children with opportunities to use their vocabulary and discover new words. Imaginative play tools such as puppets help young learners to express themselves, ask questions and practice the art of conversation.Educational board games are a great way to help children make sense of social constructs such as following rules, listening to others, asking questions, winning and losing. Family games also help children to play co-operatively and, by actively listening, they will begin to take account of other people’s ideas and feelings.

2) Physical Development

Toys that aid physical development help children to be active and develop their co-ordination, control and movement. Fine motor skills refers to small movements such as gripping object and uses the small muscles of the fingers, toes, wrists, lips and tongue. Resources such as Jumbo Tweezers and Handy Scoopers™ help to strengthen these muscles and prepare children for tasks that will increase their independence, such as holding a pen or dressing themselves.Gross motor skills refers to the movement and co-ordination of larger body parts such as the arms and legs. Active play is a great way to develop gross motor skills through actions such as running, walking, jumping and crawling. Toys that encourage movement such as Pancake Pile-Up!™ and Math Marks the Spot™ help to promote physical activity alongside learning essential core skills.

3) Personal, Social and Emotional Awareness

Toys such as Mirror Boards and Puppets help children to build self confidence and form relationships. Children can use these tools to initiate conversations that help them to manage their feelings and sharpen observation skills. Through play, children become familiar with social constructs such as turn-taking, helping them to form relationships and develop respect for others.

4) Sensory Awareness

 Children discover the world through their senses. Toys that promote tactile awareness and sensory exploration help young learners to make sense of the physical world around them.  By combining sensory awareness and scientific discovery with exploration toys such as magnifiers, projectors and microscopes children can satisfy their natural curiosity in the physical world.

5) Creativity and Imagination

Play is a full time job that is fuelled by creativity and imagination. Imaginative play resources encourage children to draw on first-hand experiences in pretend play scenarios, helping them to make sense of day to day life. By the age of three, children are able to absorb themselves in make-believe and will often start to create elaborate story lines. This type of play is important as it helps young learners to build confidence, perseverance and self esteem.

6) School Readiness

Starting school is an important chapter in a child’s life and educational toys help them to develop basic early skills to prepare them for their new adventure! By playing with toys that help with pre-writing, speech language and communication, confidence, numbers and early phonics, young learners will have the head-start they need to shine at ‘big’ school.Learn more in our ‘School Readiness’ blog post.

7) Outdoor Exploration

Outdoor learning and active play are an essential part of a child’s development, building a variety of key skills including confidence, social skills and well-being whilst experiencing the wonders of the world around them. Hands-on tools such as Kidnoculars® and Jumbo Magnifiers encourage children to get up-close to nature, helping them to understand the world around them.

8) STEM learning

STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. STEM toys encourage children to solve real-world problems through enquiry-based problem-solving, hands-on experimentation, trial and error, and self-discovery. Challenges follow the Engineering Design Process (ask, imagine, plan, create, improve) and can pose challenges such as building simple machines or programming a Robot Mouse.

9) Core Skills

Learning Resources’ toys are designed in-line with the National Curriculum for England and help to support core skills across Literacy, Maths, Science and Geography. Through exciting game play and engaging activities, children will improve essential skills from the alphabet and phonics to fractions and measurement, without even realising they’re learning!

10) Learning is fun!

We think it’s important to keep children captivated while learning! Hands-on toys that are fun to play with, help to keep children present in the moment so that they can uncover their true potential. #LoveLearning#Givethegiftoflearning

New Ways to Play: Plot Blocks™ Story Building Activity Set

 Plot Blocksâ„¢ was developed in-house by the Product Development team and Educational Specialists here at Learning Resources, based upon feedback from teachers saying that they would benefit from activities that would go alongside story telling cubes. By combining a multitude of different settings, characters, objects and actions, this engaging set supports children in creating unique stories by rolling the picture cubes. This Story Building Activity Set includes:
  • 18 picture cubes; six each of ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘how’
  • Six double-sided Setting Mats
  • Four transparent story setting Mats
Easy-to-play, children simply select two of each of the cubes (who, what and how) and a setting mat. Roll the cubes and place them in the allocated spaces on the mat. Add a little imagination and let the story begin! If children want to create their own setting they can draw what they want and place a transparent mat on top!Plot Blocks is language free and can help children develop a variety of key literacy skills, including: Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Belinda Robertson, put Plot Blocksâ„¢ to the test and said
“A fabulous resource to develop understanding and use of ‘narrative’ and story- telling. The visuals were superb at supporting the logical sequencing of events to enable students to a) plan and then b) tell their narrative. One of the most useful aspects of this resource was that it could be used with a huge age range. EYFS students would like the cubes and pictures, my KS1 and KS2 children loved it. I could also see it working well with EAL, KS3 and older students and adults withlearning difficulties.”
Read more about how Belinda used Plot Blocks in our Tried and Tested blog post. 

To help you extend the learning with Plot Blocks, we’ve put together some ‘new ways to play’ that will help you bring your story telling to life and spark young imaginations:


Feely Bag Game

Place all of the cubes into an opaque fabric bag. Working in a pairs or small groups, ask children to pick a cube from the bag and study one of its faces. They should describe what the picture is without actually naming it. Encourage them to use a wide range of adjectives until another child correctly guesses what the picture is. This will build vocabulary and encourage children to use richer descriptive language in their creative writing.

Talk for Writing

Working individually or in pairs, ask children to select six cubes before rolling them and placing them on a setting mat. Encourage children to discuss a possible story, considering the beginning, middle and end where each cube’s picture might feature. Pair work will enable children to discuss ideas, developing their vocabulary and imagination.

Group Story Telling

 Working in a small group, ask each child to select a cube before assigning them a number or sitting them in an order. (Try to ensure an even number of each cube type is on offer). The first child rolls their cube and begins telling the story. The second child should then roll their cube and continue the story accordingly. Encourage children to consider the role they play in forming the beginning, middle or end. Carry on around the group until a complete story has been told!


Descriptive Writing

Encourage the use of rich, descriptive language by using the setting mats alone. Ensure each child has access to a whiteboard and pen before allowing them to select a setting mat. Ask them to study the scene on the mat for a couple of minutes before helping them write a sentence that describes it on the whiteboard. For example ‘The Sea is Blue’. Encourage children to build on their initial sentence by adding in more vivid language until they have a description using rich vocabulary, for example ‘The calm sea is sparkling turquoise.’ 

Change of Scenery

Children work individually or in pairs to create a story using a setting mat. They should roll six cubes and place them on a setting mat before reading the story aloud, adding in as much description as possible. Once a story has been completed, change the setting mat but keep the story cubes in the same order. How does the story change? Discuss how the setting affects the plot of the story.

Cube Swap

Working in pairs, have children create their own story using a setting mat and six cubes. Both children in the pair should read their story aloud. Once each pair has heard the other story they get the chance to steal a cube from their setting mat to add to their own story. Once they have done so, have the children decide upon the order of the cubes on the mat. As the children to read their stories aloud again and see how changing one cube affects the plot. 

Blank Spaces

Ask children to sit in groups around a table. Lay out a setting mat and three cubes (one each of who, what and how), leaving three blank spaces. Encourage the children to write their own story, filling in the blank spaces as they reach them. Once everyone has written their stories, have them take it in turns to read them aloud. This task is a good way to ease children into creative writing, providing guidelines but still offering them creative freedom.   

Character profile

This activity can be used as an extension to any Plot Blocksâ„¢ activity. Once a child has completed a story, ask them to think more in depth about the characters. Ask them to draw the characters in the story and write down some characteristics. Encourage them to think about things such as names, occupations, likes/dislikes, where they live etc. In groups ask them to tell their peers about these characters.
New Ways to Play: Plot Blocks™ Story Building Activity Set
 Plot Blocksâ„¢ was developed in-house by the Product Development team and Educational Specialists here at Learning Resources, based upon feedback from teachers saying that they would benefit from activities that would go alongside story telling cubes. By combining a multitude of different settings, characters, objects and actions, this engaging set supports children in creating unique stories by rolling the picture cubes. This Story Building Activity Set includes:
  • 18 picture cubes; six each of ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘how’
  • Six double-sided Setting Mats
  • Four transparent story setting Mats
Easy-to-play, children simply select two of each of the cubes (who, what and how) and a setting mat. Roll the cubes and place them in the allocated spaces on the mat. Add a little imagination and let the story begin! If children want to create their own setting they can draw what they want and place a transparent mat on top!Plot Blocks is language free and can help children develop a variety of key literacy skills, including: Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Belinda Robertson, put Plot Blocksâ„¢ to the test and said
“A fabulous resource to develop understanding and use of ‘narrative’ and story- telling. The visuals were superb at supporting the logical sequencing of events to enable students to a) plan and then b) tell their narrative. One of the most useful aspects of this resource was that it could be used with a huge age range. EYFS students would like the cubes and pictures, my KS1 and KS2 children loved it. I could also see it working well with EAL, KS3 and older students and adults withlearning difficulties.”
Read more about how Belinda used Plot Blocks in our Tried and Tested blog post. 

To help you extend the learning with Plot Blocks, we’ve put together some ‘new ways to play’ that will help you bring your story telling to life and spark young imaginations:


Feely Bag Game

Place all of the cubes into an opaque fabric bag. Working in a pairs or small groups, ask children to pick a cube from the bag and study one of its faces. They should describe what the picture is without actually naming it. Encourage them to use a wide range of adjectives until another child correctly guesses what the picture is. This will build vocabulary and encourage children to use richer descriptive language in their creative writing.

Talk for Writing

Working individually or in pairs, ask children to select six cubes before rolling them and placing them on a setting mat. Encourage children to discuss a possible story, considering the beginning, middle and end where each cube’s picture might feature. Pair work will enable children to discuss ideas, developing their vocabulary and imagination.

Group Story Telling

 Working in a small group, ask each child to select a cube before assigning them a number or sitting them in an order. (Try to ensure an even number of each cube type is on offer). The first child rolls their cube and begins telling the story. The second child should then roll their cube and continue the story accordingly. Encourage children to consider the role they play in forming the beginning, middle or end. Carry on around the group until a complete story has been told!


Descriptive Writing

Encourage the use of rich, descriptive language by using the setting mats alone. Ensure each child has access to a whiteboard and pen before allowing them to select a setting mat. Ask them to study the scene on the mat for a couple of minutes before helping them write a sentence that describes it on the whiteboard. For example ‘The Sea is Blue’. Encourage children to build on their initial sentence by adding in more vivid language until they have a description using rich vocabulary, for example ‘The calm sea is sparkling turquoise.’ 

Change of Scenery

Children work individually or in pairs to create a story using a setting mat. They should roll six cubes and place them on a setting mat before reading the story aloud, adding in as much description as possible. Once a story has been completed, change the setting mat but keep the story cubes in the same order. How does the story change? Discuss how the setting affects the plot of the story.

Cube Swap

Working in pairs, have children create their own story using a setting mat and six cubes. Both children in the pair should read their story aloud. Once each pair has heard the other story they get the chance to steal a cube from their setting mat to add to their own story. Once they have done so, have the children decide upon the order of the cubes on the mat. As the children to read their stories aloud again and see how changing one cube affects the plot. 

Blank Spaces

Ask children to sit in groups around a table. Lay out a setting mat and three cubes (one each of who, what and how), leaving three blank spaces. Encourage the children to write their own story, filling in the blank spaces as they reach them. Once everyone has written their stories, have them take it in turns to read them aloud. This task is a good way to ease children into creative writing, providing guidelines but still offering them creative freedom.   

Character profile

This activity can be used as an extension to any Plot Blocksâ„¢ activity. Once a child has completed a story, ask them to think more in depth about the characters. Ask them to draw the characters in the story and write down some characteristics. Encourage them to think about things such as names, occupations, likes/dislikes, where they live etc. In groups ask them to tell their peers about these characters.

New Ways to Play: All About Me Family Counter Activity Cards

All About Me Activity CardsAll About Me Family Counters  The set of visually appealing double-sided activity cards is a part of our All About Me range and encourage children to learn essential early maths skills whilst learning about themselves and the world around them. Designed to use alongside our award-winning All About Me Family Countersâ„¢. The have been created to meet the needs of teachers and parents following requests for interactive counter activities. The set contains 20 double sided activity cards, one interactive vehicle card and a fold-out, double sided 1-20 number line featuring both UK and European number formations. Activities can be used to teach the following early maths skills, including:
  • Positional awareness
  • Patterns and sequencing
  • Sorting and grouping
  • Size and colour recognition
  • Early arithmetic – addition, subtraction and multiplication
 The All About Me Activity Cards support a variety of learning styles such as kinaesthetic and visual, with an emphasis on the foundations for learning. Students learn to think mathematically as opposed to reciting formulas or procedures. Parent blogger Colette from We’re Going on Adventure tested the cards with her two children (aged 2,5 & 7) and said:
“I love how brightly coloured they are and how easy they are to handle.  You know from the outset that both the counters and cards are going to withstand being used over and over again (either at home or in the classroom).  I was immediately struck by just how many ways the counters could be used on their own and then with the addition of the cards you’ve ramped up the opportunities for learning even further.”
 Readthe full Tried and Tested review here.

Here are a few examples of the activities included in the set and how they involve the counters to extend the learning opportunities:

 Patterns and Sequences Ask children to replicate the pattern on the activity card using the counters. Can they find the missing counter in the sequence? The cards progress in difficulty, moving through the two colour, three colour and four colourm patterns. Once children become confident in completing the colour patterns on the cards encourage them to have a go at making their own, or even try making patterns using the character type.
 Sorting and Grouping Taking a handful of counters encourage children to sort and match them by colour or type (or both!) by placing them on the corresponding activity cards. To extend their learning, encourage colour recognition and ask children to find things around them that are the same colour and place onto the corresponding colour card? This activity also develops fine motor skills as children hold and release the counters.
 Early Addition and SubtractionUse the counters to support the concept of addition and subtraction. A number line is included in the set that they can use for support in counting forwards or backwards. Start by telling a story that involves addition and subtraction of family counters and encouraging children to act it out. Once children understand the concept of adding and subtraction, introduce them to what each operation sign means and again encourage them to act out the number sentence using their sequence.
 SharingSelect an even number of counters to represent families. Ask the children to share the counters equally into the two or three houses that are represented on the activity cards. How many live in each house? Are there any counters remaining? Encourage children to add or subtract more counters. How many more or less would then live in each house? How many would be in each house if there were four houses?
 Size RecognitionAsk children to create the pattern shown on the activity card. Ask questions such as who is the tallest/shortest to prompt them to find the next character in the sequence. To extend their learning ask children to find their own friends who are taller/shorter within the class or objects that are bigger/smaller than the counters, and organise them in order.
 Positional LanguageTaking a counter to use as the ‘actor’, ask children if they can put the character in the different situations in the picture scenes on the card,  as: under the table, on the swing, next to the dustbin, near the door or far away from the tree. This can also be replicated in real-life on the playground or in the garden. Can they provide instructions to you or a friend? Once they have mastered one-step instructions try a two-step instruction.
 More or Less?The family counters are waiting patiently for their bus/train.  Once it arrives use the purple activity cards to slide beneath the number bus/train card. By sliding in more or less of the card you can represent more or less people on the bus/train. Ask children simple addition/subtraction questions using the visual (for example: “if there are four people on the bus and two get off how many are left?” or “If there are two people on the train and three more get on how many people are now on the train?”)
New Ways to Play: All About Me Family Counter Activity Cards
All About Me Activity CardsAll About Me Family Counters  The set of visually appealing double-sided activity cards is a part of our All About Me range and encourage children to learn essential early maths skills whilst learning about themselves and the world around them. Designed to use alongside our award-winning All About Me Family Countersâ„¢. The have been created to meet the needs of teachers and parents following requests for interactive counter activities. The set contains 20 double sided activity cards, one interactive vehicle card and a fold-out, double sided 1-20 number line featuring both UK and European number formations. Activities can be used to teach the following early maths skills, including:
  • Positional awareness
  • Patterns and sequencing
  • Sorting and grouping
  • Size and colour recognition
  • Early arithmetic – addition, subtraction and multiplication
 The All About Me Activity Cards support a variety of learning styles such as kinaesthetic and visual, with an emphasis on the foundations for learning. Students learn to think mathematically as opposed to reciting formulas or procedures. Parent blogger Colette from We’re Going on Adventure tested the cards with her two children (aged 2,5 & 7) and said:
“I love how brightly coloured they are and how easy they are to handle.  You know from the outset that both the counters and cards are going to withstand being used over and over again (either at home or in the classroom).  I was immediately struck by just how many ways the counters could be used on their own and then with the addition of the cards you’ve ramped up the opportunities for learning even further.”
 Readthe full Tried and Tested review here.

Here are a few examples of the activities included in the set and how they involve the counters to extend the learning opportunities:

 Patterns and Sequences Ask children to replicate the pattern on the activity card using the counters. Can they find the missing counter in the sequence? The cards progress in difficulty, moving through the two colour, three colour and four colourm patterns. Once children become confident in completing the colour patterns on the cards encourage them to have a go at making their own, or even try making patterns using the character type.
 Sorting and Grouping Taking a handful of counters encourage children to sort and match them by colour or type (or both!) by placing them on the corresponding activity cards. To extend their learning, encourage colour recognition and ask children to find things around them that are the same colour and place onto the corresponding colour card? This activity also develops fine motor skills as children hold and release the counters.
 Early Addition and SubtractionUse the counters to support the concept of addition and subtraction. A number line is included in the set that they can use for support in counting forwards or backwards. Start by telling a story that involves addition and subtraction of family counters and encouraging children to act it out. Once children understand the concept of adding and subtraction, introduce them to what each operation sign means and again encourage them to act out the number sentence using their sequence.
 SharingSelect an even number of counters to represent families. Ask the children to share the counters equally into the two or three houses that are represented on the activity cards. How many live in each house? Are there any counters remaining? Encourage children to add or subtract more counters. How many more or less would then live in each house? How many would be in each house if there were four houses?
 Size RecognitionAsk children to create the pattern shown on the activity card. Ask questions such as who is the tallest/shortest to prompt them to find the next character in the sequence. To extend their learning ask children to find their own friends who are taller/shorter within the class or objects that are bigger/smaller than the counters, and organise them in order.
 Positional LanguageTaking a counter to use as the ‘actor’, ask children if they can put the character in the different situations in the picture scenes on the card,  as: under the table, on the swing, next to the dustbin, near the door or far away from the tree. This can also be replicated in real-life on the playground or in the garden. Can they provide instructions to you or a friend? Once they have mastered one-step instructions try a two-step instruction.
 More or Less?The family counters are waiting patiently for their bus/train.  Once it arrives use the purple activity cards to slide beneath the number bus/train card. By sliding in more or less of the card you can represent more or less people on the bus/train. Ask children simple addition/subtraction questions using the visual (for example: “if there are four people on the bus and two get off how many are left?” or “If there are two people on the train and three more get on how many people are now on the train?”)

Tried and Tested: All About Me Family Counters and Activity Cards

Name: Colette B (We’re going on an adventure)Product name: All About Me Family Counters and Activity CardsAge of children: 2, 5 and 7
Colette is an experienced primary school teacher and mum tothree.  She currently works part time on supply to allow her to be athome with her children and to run her award winning family life style blog, We’re going on an adventure.  

What were your initial thoughts about the appearance and function of the resource?

I love how brightly coloured they are and how easy they are to handle.  You know from the outset that both the counters and cards are going to withstand being used over and over again (either at home or in the classroom).  I was immediately struck by just how many ways the counters could be used on their own and then with the addition of the cards you’ve ramped up the opportunities for learning even further. 

How was this resource used at home?

 We started off just sorting the counters by colour – talking about their size and which family member they represented.  We have also sorted them by type, grouped them into families, ordered them by size.  We’ve practiced repeating patterns with the help of the Activity Cards and also looked at some simple algebra with the “missing number” type calculations. 

How could it be used in the classroom?

There are so many ways this could be used in the classroom.  For talking about our families and who is in them.  For sorting by colour, type. For grouping into families. For counting, for simple equations, for repeating patterns – the list is endless!

What did you like/dislike about this product?

I love them. My only niggle is the storage pot could do with being a little sturdier but we’ve just decanted them into a stronger lidded box

What are the educational benefits of the resource?

As a product which can be used independently, in groups or in a guided activity – at home or in the classroom to cover such a range of early maths skills I think the benefits of this resource are huge. 

How would you rate the long term appeal of this product?

Considering it has been played with by both my two year old and my seven year old I think there is a really good long term appeal to the product – particularly when used in conjunction with the activity cards to work on simple algebra. 

Do you feel the product is unique or different from other resources?

 Yes, whilst it bears similarities to other sorting resources, I think the “family” element gives it the edge.

Most importantly… did you have fun using this product?

Tried and Tested: All About Me Family Counters and Activity Cards
Name: Colette B (We’re going on an adventure)Product name: All About Me Family Counters and Activity CardsAge of children: 2, 5 and 7
Colette is an experienced primary school teacher and mum tothree.  She currently works part time on supply to allow her to be athome with her children and to run her award winning family life style blog, We’re going on an adventure.  

What were your initial thoughts about the appearance and function of the resource?

I love how brightly coloured they are and how easy they are to handle.  You know from the outset that both the counters and cards are going to withstand being used over and over again (either at home or in the classroom).  I was immediately struck by just how many ways the counters could be used on their own and then with the addition of the cards you’ve ramped up the opportunities for learning even further. 

How was this resource used at home?

 We started off just sorting the counters by colour – talking about their size and which family member they represented.  We have also sorted them by type, grouped them into families, ordered them by size.  We’ve practiced repeating patterns with the help of the Activity Cards and also looked at some simple algebra with the “missing number” type calculations. 

How could it be used in the classroom?

There are so many ways this could be used in the classroom.  For talking about our families and who is in them.  For sorting by colour, type. For grouping into families. For counting, for simple equations, for repeating patterns – the list is endless!

What did you like/dislike about this product?

I love them. My only niggle is the storage pot could do with being a little sturdier but we’ve just decanted them into a stronger lidded box

What are the educational benefits of the resource?

As a product which can be used independently, in groups or in a guided activity – at home or in the classroom to cover such a range of early maths skills I think the benefits of this resource are huge. 

How would you rate the long term appeal of this product?

Considering it has been played with by both my two year old and my seven year old I think there is a really good long term appeal to the product – particularly when used in conjunction with the activity cards to work on simple algebra. 

Do you feel the product is unique or different from other resources?

 Yes, whilst it bears similarities to other sorting resources, I think the “family” element gives it the edge.

Most importantly… did you have fun using this product?

Base Ten: The Maths Mastery Manipulative

Base Ten Blocks are a maths manipulative that help young learners to understand how numbers relate to one another, specifically ones, tens, hundreds and thousands.

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